Roast the garlic cloves on a skillet until they have softened enough to grind into a paste with salt.
Add the diced onions and gently press with the pestle to release juices.
Add the cilantro, juice of 2 limes & 1 orange, vinegar, olive oil, & spices. Mix well, making sure you scrape all the garlic paste from the bottom.
Massage the marinade into the skirt steak and add the jalapeno halves. Cover and marinate in the fridge for 2-4 hours.
Smash the avocados then add the rest of the guacamole ingredients together and set it aside. To keep it from browning, place saran wrap right on top to seal it so there is no oxygen. This keeps it from oxidizing.
Combine the maseca, ap flour, baking powder, and salt in a bowl and mix well. Slowly add the warm water and mix together until combined. The dough should be soft but not sticky.
Divide the dough into 8 pieces and form a pocket to stuff with cheese. You can use whatever cheese you like- i'm using monterey jack.
Seal to form a ball
Flatten out the balls to 1/8 - 1/4 inch thick discs. I prefer them on the thinner side. Do not make them too thick or they will absorb too much oil and won't puff up. I used my hands and a clean flat surface but you can also use a tortilla press if you have one. *You can also store these in the fridge for a couple days to use later. This recipe yeilds 8 gorditas but I stored half of them in my fridge to make breakfast gorditas with refried beans the next day :)
You can grill the carne asada if you want, but I think it's best to just cook it on a cast iron skillet along with the jalapenos and onions, so they can retain all the juices and flavor.
Let it rest for 10 minutes.
Cut the steak, jalapenos, and onions into small chunks. Squeeze some fresh lime juice all over, then cover to keep warm.
Fry the gorditas in neutral oil (325 degrees fahrenheit) for about 1 minute on each side, or until golden brown. It should puff up, creating a pocket in the center- if it doesn't, your gordita is too thick. Alternatively, you can cook them on a comal (skillet) for an oil-free gordita.
Carefully cut into the gorditas while they are still hot, a little less than half way around.
Stuff with guacamole, queso fresco, lettuce, carne asada, crema, and salsa.