Mix the dipping sauce ingredients together and set aside.
Prepare the broth ingredients: dice the onion, cut the radish into thin bite sized slices, and remove the head & innards from the anchovies.
If you're using fish cake sheets, soak in hot water for a couple minutes. This is to soften them so that they are flexible, and also to wash off some of the oil that on them from being previously fried.
Skewer the fish cake sheets (I am using both sheets and pre packaged fish cake skewers). You can either cut the fish cakes in half long ways, or fold them in half and skewer them whole.
In a pot add water, dried acnchovies, dried kelp, onions, radish, and the white ends of the green onions. Bring to a boil then simmer uncovered for 20 minutes.
After 20 minutes, remove the anchovies and kelp.
Cover on med-low heat for 20 minutes.
Remove the onions and radish and set them aside. Strain the broth then add the radish back in, then season the broth with soup soy sauce, sea salt, and rice wine.
Add the fishcake skewers and let it cook for 10 minutes, ladling the broth over the top pieces occasionally. (Don't worry if you skewers aren't fully submerged the whole time- the steam will help to heat it through).
Top with chopped green onions
Remove from heat and enjoy with dipping sauce. Pour the broth into a cup to sip on while eating the fishcakes.