Crush the pecans or walnuts using a food processor (or by hand- either chop them down with a knife or put them in a bag and roll over with a rolling pin).
Combine the milk, crema, sweetened condensed milk, vanilla (or almond) extract, and cellulose gum with an electric mixer. The cellulose gum works as a stabilizer and gives you a paleta that is creamy, not icy. This mixture is not meant to thicken too much after mixing, so don't worry if it looks a little too runny to you.Alternatively: This is what I recommend if you're using cornstarch instead of cellulose gum. Combine the milk, crema, and sweetened condensed milk in a small sauce pan. When combined (no chunks), turn on the heat to low. Stir and do not let it boil, but once it's hot add about 1/4 cup to a small bowl with the cornstarch and mix until smooth. Then add it back to the saucepan and continue cooking over low heat, stirring until it thickens. Let it cool completely before adding vanilla extract.
Add the crushed pecans and mix until combined.
Pour mixture into a sanitized popsicle mold and top with some more crushed pecans
It depends on your popsicle mold, but be mindful about the popsicle stick placement when you're sticking them into the mold. You don't want to push them all the way down because it leaves very little room to hold the stick, but you also want to make sure its deep enough. Also make sure it is centered from all sides.
Freeze for at least 8 hours. To remove the paletas from the mold, place it in warm water for about 20 seconds to loosen. With a little wiggling and force, the popsicles will slide out perfectly. I like to stretch the sides of the silicone mold to help loosen it up a bit more.
Store in the freezer for up to 2 weeks. You can keep them longer but they start to form more ice crystals and get harder over time.